30 September 2015
 Our latest newsletter includes articles on: Feeding your cows for less Getting starlings under control Our Mats & Mattresses report The milk price crisis To view the newsletter, click HERE

18 September 2015
Silage Analysis Farming Note The Silage Analysis Farming Note explains the importance of knowing the quality of all forages fed as buffers and winter diets, and taking regular silage samples for analysis is an essential first step to correct rat...

01 July 2015
Kingshay’s fourth edition of the Annual Dairy Costings Focus Report reviews milk price trends to March 2015 and ranks data by feed costs, yield from forage, region, yield band and herd size from Dairy Manager, with additional results from Kingshayâ...

03 June 2015
At Kingshay we are proud of the reputation we have developed over 25 years for carrying out independent trial work, helping farmers to make decisions free from commercial bias. In this update we provide an overview of our current farm trials a...

05 May 2015
Kingshay are delivering two Business Management workshops run by DairyCo, designed to give you a better understanding of business and financial management.  South Wales – 26th May 2015 Venue: Cardigan Rugby Club, Gwbert Road, Cardigan SA43 1PH...

29 April 2015
Below average grass growth earlier this spring could put next winter’s cow performance and fertility at risk, where grass is cut with high nitrate levels. “With grass growth picking up, it’s easy to forget the dry and cloudy weather experien...

30 March 2015
Kingshay’s latest Tried & Tested trial is focussing on calf jackets. As part of this report, we want to find out whether you've considered calf jackets and if you're using them, how successful you've found them. We would really appreciate it if...

18 March 2015
At Kingshay . . . Richard organised a very successful meeting of the ‘European Dairy Farmers – UK Club’ in Cheshire on the theme ‘Dairying Systems for a Volatile Market’. The meeting included visits to three progressive dairy farms with ...

25 February 2015
A series of Focus days and a Soil conference will take part in March, featuring Gary Zimmer, a Wisconsin dairy farmer & pioneer of practical methods to improve fertility. The first unsponsored 2 day practical soil conference held b...

11 February 2015
Two-thirds of maize growers could have achieved an average yield 10% higher last year by selecting premium varieties, according to a recent Kingshay survey of maize growers. Only one third of maize growers chose varieties ranking in the top eight ...

01 December 2014
The Maize Growers Association (MGA) is running two "Maize Training Days" this December. On Thursday 11th December in Pilton, Somerset and Monday 15th December in Churton, Chester. For more information, and to book a place, take a look at their...

11 November 2014
Kingshay have designed a new website for Dairy Manager Costings with improved usability which enables you to save data on every page. If you are still sending your data into the Kingshay office, why not have a go at entering your figures online next...