Antimicrobial Monitoring Service
Antimicrobial stewardship is an increasingly important part of proactive herd health management - we now provide reports for Dairy, Beef and Sheep. There are monthly, quarterly and annual analysis options to identify trends based on records of antimicrobial purchases from your vet. These farmer friendly, clear and concise reports provide:
- A summary of antimicrobial purchases for your farm
- Monitor against RUMA targets and compare to similar units
- Highlights use of Critically Important Antimicrobials
- Meets all Red Tractor Assurance requirements
- Facilitates discussions with your vet to develop your antimicrobial use strategy
Antimicrobial Reports include:
- Antimicrobial Summary Report
- Antimicrobial Purchases Report
More details of the Antimicrobial reports are shown below with examples.
Dairy Antimicrobial Report
A summary of Antimicrobial purchases with details broken down by antimicrobial class.
- Data compared to the group average and a target range.
- Summary of how antimicrobials are administered e.g. Injectable, Lactating or Dry Cow Tubes.
- Summary of Dry Cow Therapy.
- A list of Antimicrobial products purchased in year, with a summary of total tubes or ml purchased.
- This informs on farm discussions between the farmer & vet, based on accurate data
- CIAs are highlighted in red.
Beef Antimicrobial Report
A summary of Antimicrobial purchases with details broken down by antimicrobial class.
- Data compared to the group average and a target range.
- CIAs are highlighted in red.
- Antimicrobial purchases summarised by month of purchase.
- Summary of how antimicrobials are administered e.g. Injectable, oral, topical or other
- This informs on farm discussions between the farmer & vet, based on accurate data
Dairy Antimicrobial Focus Report

The second annual Antimicrobial Focus Report includes an in-depth analysis of antimicrobial data for the last 5 years from 1,044 dairy farms and 60 beef farms. This report summarises the antimicrobial purchasing trends from dairy and beef herds across the UK, providing valuable insight into how the sector is currently performing with respect to antimicrobial usage and highlighting key areas where there is potential for further improvement. The report goes into dairy herd level comparisons, dry cow therapy and year on year in-depth evaluations, as well as a new page analysed by region.
Download your copy: Antimicrobial Report 2022 pdf.

The first annual Dairy Antimicrobial Focus Report includes an in-depth analysis of antimicrobial data for the last 4 years from 940 farms. The report goes into herd level comparisons, dry cow therapy and year on year in-depth evaluations. Looking at the change in products used over time, with special focus on critically important antimicrobial’s along with the change in antimicrobial class usage.
For more information on Antimicrobial Monitoring, contact Kingshay on 01458 851555 or