The Kingshay Shop
Milking Frequency Dairy Insight
Increased milking frequency, whether through a parlour or ro
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Parlour Options for Larger Herds Farming Note
Installing a new parlour is a big decision as the parlour wi...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
Parlour Walls & Floors Farming Note
Parlour wall and floor surfaces must be easy to work with an...
Members: FREE
Non-members: Unavailable
In Holland, around 15% of dairy farms milk through robots. S...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
Simple Parlour Checks Dairy Insight
Are cows fidgeting during milking? Are liners slipping? Do y
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Stray voltage on a dairy unit is a relatively common occurre...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
Understanding Your Parlour Farming Note
A poorly functioning parlour will damage teats, increase the...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
Private water sources are a great way to lower water costs o
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00