The Kingshay Shop
8 Steps to Controlling Mastitis in Summer Farming Note
Each year as the weather gets warmer, somatic cell counts i...
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Farmers aim for a quick efficient milking. But can milking b
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Non-members: £15.00
Having a parlour which is functioning correctly allows milki...
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Non-members: £12.50
Controlling Mastitis Farming Note
At an average cost of £220 per case and accounting for 11...
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Non-members: £12.50
As part of Kingshay's exhibit at the 'Livestock Event' and '...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £80.00
Dynamic Parlour Testing Farming Note
Testing milk machine and parlour function can highlight prob...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
E. coli is one of the primary causes of clinical mastitis in
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Non-members: £15.00
The Effective Bedding Management report provides a guide to ...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £80.00
As the days start to get longer, it is time once again to tu...
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Non-members: £15.00
When we think of mastitis and summer, we generally think of
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Non-members: £15.00
Of the three main milk solid components; fat, protein and la
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Non-members: £15.00
Milking Frequency Farming Note
Adjusting both the pattern and frequency of milking can affe...
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Non-members: Unavailable