The Kingshay Shop
There is no treatment or vaccination for Neospora, good bios
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Careful monitoring of the performance and health of freshly ...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
There are very few truly ‘closed’ herds in the UK, as fa
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Ration Presentation and Structure Dairy Insight
The importance of formulating a well-balanced, appropriate r
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Reducing bTB Transmission on Farm
The spread of bovine TB (bTB) on farm can potentially be red
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Reducing Mastitis Pressure in Buildings
Environmental mastitis pathogens are naturally present in th...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Reducing Plastic Waste on Farm
An average of 13,000 tons of plastic is produced by UK farms
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
RESEARCH insight – Augmented Reality
Imagine looking at a cow and seeing a box appear over her he
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
The typical method for preventing new infections and treatme
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Successful Transition to the Winter Diet
Making sure cows are moved onto the correct winter ration wi
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Sustainable Parasite Control – Part 1: Worms and Fluke
Parasites, both ectoparasites (external parasites) and endop
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00
Maintaining good teat condition is a crucial line of defence...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00