Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Cubicles

Bedding conditioners form an important part of a mastitis control strategy by drying the cubicle beds and making an inhospitable environment for bacteria. However, their ...

Following a survey of members: opinions of their bedding machines Kingshay has compiled a report which reviews the pros and cons of bedding systems, e.g. sand vs. paper v...

As part of Kingshay's exhibit at the 'Livestock Event' and 'The Dairy Show' last year, farmers filled in a survey assessing levels of cow comfort on their farm. The Cow C...

Cubicles are not all the same – some will work for your cows and others will not. Read our independent yard scrapers report which includes results from the members surv...

Since the Kingshay Cubicle Demonstration Unit was set up in 2004, there have been 4 building phases and many visitors passing through the doors to compare the latest prod...

Having spent time assessing how well the cows use your cubicles (see Cubicles - what do your cows want?) it is vital to adjust them to suit your cows. This DAIRY insight ...

Happy cows are productive cows! The key is to ensure every aspect of management and cow environment is set up to make the most of the cow’s natural behaviour. Closely m...

Lighting on a dairy farm is important for animal health and production, but can be a significant cost. This Farming Note addresses: Optimum lighting levels and hours ...

The Kingshay Cubicle Demonstration Unit has been allowing farmer members to test out different cubicles and mats and mattresses that are on the market since the first sec...

Environmental mastitis pathogens are naturally present in the housed environment, but problems occur when the pathogen pressure becomes too high. This Farming Note cov...

Well maintained sand cubicles can provide an excellent bed for milking cows. If kept clean, sand does not support bacterial growth and can therefore present a lower masti...

With straw supplies limited and expensive, different bedding options may prove economic for your herd. An increase in straw price of £15/tonne would typically increase c...