Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Health - Mastitis

Each year as the weather gets warmer, somatic cell counts increase, making mastitis in summer an area for focus. Some pasture conditions can lead to high levels of expos...

Farmers aim for a quick efficient milking. But can milking be done too quickly? This DAIRY insight explores the concept of bimodal milking and what practical actions you ...

Having a parlour which is functioning correctly allows milking to be quick, complete and comfortable for both the cow and the milking staff. Poor milking characteristics ...

At an average cost of £220 per case and accounting for 11% of cows being culled, mastitis is a significant cost to the dairy industry and a major challenge to farm pr...

As part of Kingshay's exhibit at the 'Livestock Event' and 'The Dairy Show' last year, farmers filled in a survey assessing levels of cow comfort on their farm. The Cow C...

Testing milk machine and parlour function can highlight problems which are resulting in a less effective milking and damaged udders. Unlike static parlour testing, dynami...

E. coli is one of the primary causes of clinical mastitis in the UK, presenting in various guises from mild cases to severe toxic mastitis that few cows will survive. Wi...

The Effective Bedding Management report provides a guide to choosing an alternative bedding material or managing existing cow bedding. The report includes results of the ...

As the days start to get longer, it is time once again to turn our attention to fly control. The main months of fly activity in the UK are May to August, but as we all kn...

When we think of mastitis and summer, we generally think of the risk of infection of Summer Mastitis to dry cows and maiden heifers. However, this is not the only mastiti...

Of the three main milk solid components; fat, protein and lactose, lactose has the highest concentration in bovine milk. However, it has the lowest commercial value per u...

Every clinical case of mastitis costs around £290. Currently the top 25% of farmers achieve 22 mastitis cases per 100 cows, while the group average is 41 cases per 100 c...