Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Calf Feeding

Kingshay's Youngstock Management Survey showed that 87% of farmers have seen cases of calf pneumonia and 50% joint ill on their farm. Good calf management is crucial if a...

Traditional calf feeding practice limits milk fed to encourage early intakes of concentrates and promote earlier weaning, to cut feed costs and labour. Recent research ho...

Calf milk replacers (CMRs) have been available in the UK since the 1950s. Over the last couple of decades there have been significant changes to formulations, with many o...

Heifer calves are the future of your dairy herd, you don’t get a second chance at getting it right. Therefore, time taken for attention to detail pays dividends not onl...

Computerised calf feeders are becoming increasingly popular to help labour efficiencies. Managed well, they can improve milk feeding consistency, drive weight gains and o...

In a traditional dairy calf rearing system, calves are fed 10% of their birthweight in milk over two feeds daily i.e. 2 feeds of 2 litres. In comparison, a calf left on t...

Consistent growth throughout their early years is essential to ensure heifers calve in at the most economical age at first calving of 24 months, but all too often turnout...

In response to member queries about calf jackets and their efficacy, we carried out a Tried & Tested survey and trial in early 2015. The survey was completed by a sam...

Mortality statistics show that the first three months of a calf’s life are pivotal when it comes to overall survival. This Dairy Insight looks at ensuring a healthy sta...

This Research Insight explores the research behind Orego- Stim a 100% natural, phytogenic product which can reduce anti-microbial resistance in waste milk for calves. Th...

There is increasing pressure on producers to use veterinary medicines more sparingly, in particular, antibiotics. Many assurance schemes are striving to prove agriculture...

The future of the dairy herds on most farms, lies with their heifers. Good management from the very start is therefore key to a successful herd and is essential to reduce...