Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Soil Management
Agroforestry is increasingly being talked about as a means of helping agriculture meet net zero targets, with DEFRA planning to support farmers with the integration of tr...
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) has become a bit of a buzz word in the industry. This may have prompted you to investigate the SOC within your own soils, or it may be something...
Soil is the most valuable resource on your farm. However, it’s often overlooked and underappreciated. By taking the time to better understand your soil, you can adjust ...
The aim of the improved grassland soils standard is to enhance soil health, structure, organic matter, and soil biology. It will also contribute to improved water quality...
Effective management of farmyard manure (FYM) to minimise the risk of pollution and maximise financial benefits requires a practical and cost effective strategy. Composti...
Copper deficiency is a common problem where dietary intake is insufficient to meet the cow's metabolic requirement or where mineral antagonists levels are in excess. Wher...
Copper is essential to animal health for a number of metabolic functions including growth, production and fertility. Copper levels in grass and forages are determined by ...
Soil is one of the most important resources on a farm, providing the basis for forage and crop production. Regular soil sampling and analysis provides an insight into pot...
Compacted soil can result in reduced plant growth and crop yield, impeded drainage and increased soil erosion. Forage grown in compacted soil can also have a reduced mine...
Soil health and fertility are fundamental to livestock producers, in order to maximise grass growth. The pH status of a soil plays a hugely important role with forage gro...
This Farming Note is the fourth part of the sustainable Soil Management Series. It explains What green manures are How these green manures and other crops benefit s...
In the busy day to day running of a dairy farm, it is all too easy to focus attention on the things that you can see and overlook what you can’t see. Soil health is one...